Femme Docs and Kevlar Knights

FIC/LINK: Femme Docs and Kevlar Knights

AUTHOR: A Cullen Wannabe

HOW THE AUTHOR DESCRIBES IT:Bella is a first yr medical intern who was raised by her brother Emmett and his friends after their parents died when she was 16. When a night in the ER turns dangerous can her boys, now members of the best SWAT team in Chicago save her?

HOW I DESCRIBE IT: Bella has known Edward for four years being that he's one of her brothers best mates. Bella and Emmett go it alone after their parents die and all of Em's mates, also his SWAT colleagues look out for her. Both have a strong attraction for one another but neither has acted on it due to the 4 year age gap. But now both are adults, living and working in dangerous settings. Dangers which catch up to them and make life a living nightmare.

CHAPT THAT WILL SUCK YOU IN: The Prologue - You will want to keep reading to see the prologue play out!

CHAPT THAT IS EPIC: Chapter 29: The Angels Kiss - OMFG!! This chapter is E P I C!! It switches between 3 POV and reads like a script to a climatic movie scene! So freaking amazing!!!

FINAL THOUGHT: This fic reads like a TV drama series! Its so good! Its Greys Anatomy mixed with the SWAT movie(the Colin Farrell one...). The fic slows down around the 40th chapter though...
and this should entice you...theres McDreamy, McSteamy and McCreamy working with Bella ;)
Its not a very smutty fic but the drama is really good!

EDIT: THe story is now complete with only the epi and some outtakes to go. Im excited for the epi cos it will jump ahead fifteen years! The final five or so chapters of this fic were AMAZING! If you like watching crime dramas like Bones and The Closer, this is a fic for you!! and the last three chapts are pure FLUFF but its so good! It left me all gushy, and smiley at the end...Im feeling very content but sad this is ending :(