

AUTHOR: FictionFreak95

HOW THE AUTHOR DESCRIBES IT: After years of running away, Edward Cullen finds himself back at his family's home in Napa Valley vineyard. What should have been a short trip and quick sell of an old run down crop turns into one of the hardest decisions he never though he'd have to make.

HOW I DESCRIBE IT: Edward joined the army to escape his family, his past, and the vines. But when tragedy strikes and Edward has to return home, he realizes running away a second time may not be as easy as he thought. 

CHAPT THAT WILL SUCK YOU IN: Chapter 5 - Clean Flavor. Edwards first encounter with Bella wasn't what people would call smooth and in this chapter he gets another go around. Their interaction is so cute but hilarious as Bella is trying to deny the obvious attraction.

CHAPT THAT IS EPIC: Chapter 19 - Thin Line. This chapter is a bit of a rollercoaster. Its set at a festival and we get cute and fun Bella and Edward moments with their friends but where Edward is, there's always trouble. There's a surprise appearance and some fists are thrown!

FINAL THOUGHT: Army/VineWard and his Pie Girl are awesome! (Bella gives him a cute nickname too but you have to read to find out!) Edward was going back to a home he ran away from just to tie up loose ends and then he hoped to escape again. He expected nothing from the trip but gained so much. Its a really good drama/humor fic. Oh and the author gives out nifty little info about wines at the end of each chapter :)

The Best I Ever Had

AUTHOR: whatsmynomdeplume

HOW THE AUTHOR DESCRIBES IT: Sex between friends complicates everything. Bella knows this. But she has no idea how much more Edward is going to complicate things.

HOW I DESCRIBE IT: Who says guys and girls can't be friends? Bella and Edward are best of friends. Until one night when the 'friend' line is completely bleached away. Can they still be friends? Can they be friends with benefits? Or can they be more?

CHAPT THAT WILL SUCK YOU IN: Chapter 1 - The gang are so funny! They're hounding Bella as to who it is that gave her the best sex of her life. She's remaining coy. Then in walks Edward.... the 'best sex' deliverer. He's one of the gang too but Bella and Edward are JUST friends...right?

CHAPT THAT IS EPIC: Chapter 10 - Their relationship progresses so much up to this point...too bad it was all online. Now they see each other in the flesh again! But it won't go the way they want it to.

FINAL THOUGHT: This fic is short, complete, and so funny!!!! This is all in BPOV but I love how the author slips in very erm...panty-wetting EPOV passages in between each chapter. Loved the way it ended!! 

Dear Mr Masen

FIC/LINK: Dear Mr Masen

AUTHOR: jendonna

HOW THE AUTHOR DESCRIBES IT: "Error 434: Reprimanding an executive" Life changing or just stupid? Dear Mr Masen: A story of unauthorized internet usage, culinary delights and the goings-on at Cullne Inc.

HOW I DESCRIBE IT: Bella's passion in life is cooking. Yet she's working in IT at a big corporation trawling for unauthorised internet usuage. But when she reprimands the CFO (soon to be CEO) Mr Masen for looking up recipes, she inadvertently starts up a friendship about food.

CHAPT THAT WILL SUCK YOU IN: Chapter 1 - Honestly, if you are not laughing throughout this and clicking that 'next chapter' button as quick as you can...I don't understand!

CHAPT THAT IS EPIC: Chapter 17. Things go both uphill and downhill from this point forward

FINAL THOUGHT: The beginning of this fic is so cute! Its just emails back and forth between Edward and Bella but they are so funny! I'm really glad that they became such good friends before anything happened. Bella is truly the yin to Edward's yang.

There is a Light

FIC/LINK: There is a Light

AUTHOR: belladonnacullen

HOW THE AUTHOR DESCRIBES IT: This was 1987; before the Internet, before Twitter, before Facebook - this was back when it was still possible for people to not know about things: big things - like bands, and little things - like G-spots

HOW I DESCRIBE IT: Its 1987. You have a crush on a rockstar. You know everything about them. Birthday, likes, dislikes, who his parents are. But what happens when the rockstar wants to know those things about you? Well Little One, you're about to find out. 

CHAPT THAT WILL SUCK YOU IN: Chapter 4 - What She Said. This chapter covers an interesting span of time and is very up and down but leaves you reeling with wonder.

CHAPT THAT IS EPIC: Chapter 14 - I Know Its Over. You suspect the events that are explained in this chapter happened much earlier but this plays that scene out for you. Shattering event!

FINAL THOUGHT: This story...THIS STORY! My god! Its so emotional and beautiful and heartbreaking! Just AMAZING! My heart aches with love and loss and I absolutely adore the way it is set up. The back and forth of past and present is brilliant as Bella relives this story for her daughter. She could have written this in a consecutive order of time but the effect would not be the same. The teasing of then and now are what make the story so good!